Rankin Inlet

Select the items you want to download. All the selected files will be combined into a single zip file.

Note: The cadastral (land parcel) datasets are created and maintained by Natural Resources Canada (Surveyor General Branch), and although the geometry remains unchanged, we have replaced the original attributes with our own. It is important to understand and accept that the data is not to be used for defining boundaries. Administrative decisions should be based on legal documents and legal survey plans.

The Mapping was created, at the expense of the GN, in part, for visual purposes only and, in part, as an aid to the development of Community Plans. The Mapping is provided on an "AS IS" basis, and the GN makes no guarantees, representations or warranties respecting the mapping, express or implied, arising by law or otherwise, including but not limited to, the effectiveness, completeness, accuracy or fitness for any particular purpose or use of the mapping.

Community Plans and Zoning By-laws

  • GIS Data (ESRI Shapefile)

  • AutoCAD Base Maps (DWG)

  • 0 files selected